Sunday, March 18, 2007

A lot of Guinness, a lot of slumber, and a lot of questions

Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day everybody! Hopefully everyone enjoyed some Jameson, Guinness, corn beef and cabbage. My Saturday night did not quite pan out as I planned. One of my friends, who had been communicating with me during the week about meeting up, at last minute could not come out. I threw some text messages and phone calls out and received no reply. The household had already made plans, so Saturday night I was flying solo.

This wasn’t a bad thing; I know many people who enjoy some solo time. Besides, in a way, I celebrated St. Patrick’s on Friday evening. Eric’s friends Ben and Ondrej came to our place from over the hill. It’s the beginning of March Madness so the three of them plus many other people I know are in some bidding game. A store run was made and plenty of Guinness and Bass Ale were purchased. Many Black & Tans were consumed and an excruciating game of Quarters was played. It all seemed a bit immature but fun nonetheless. To top it al off, we ended the night watching Borat under pure intoxication, which may be the only way to watch that film.

Going to bed drunk receives mixed reviews from my end. Sometimes I sleep as if I was dead where I close my eyes and then suddenly I wake up and nine hours have passed without any realization of it. Then there are nights where the subconscious is polluted with alcohol, which makes my imagination go crazy (and therefore the strangest dreams arise). Friday night’s slumber became one of those dream nights.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of time that has passed, my dreams are a bit more fragmented from what I remember. Now there are only distinct images and sequences. I want to say that all these images are from one long dream but I cannot make any connections. There was a man with fair skin and true red hair; his eyes had many wrinkles underneath them; he was a great singer, and yet he lacked a nose. His face featured all the normal traits but it was completely flat and covered with skin for where a nose should have been.

In another segment there was a young girl, probably in her mid-teens. Again, all normal features for a young Caucasian girl but she lacked a mouth; just skin covering up where there would be one (for those who saw the movie poster to Silent Hill can draw a similarity). The thing that made her distinct is that she had mental powers, which would relay her communication to other people.

The last piece that I really remember was a chase scene; I was bound to follow someone on a motorcycle. For some reason, a colleague of mine, Kathleen, who is the director of development for Student Affairs, was giving me advice of which way the cyclist was going. I was not on a motorcycle but I could run extremely fast; I followed this person through tunnels and off of highway ramps. I managed to tackle him and ask him where he came from. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper that said “2086.”

These are the main parts of my dream that I can clearly remember. I visited the dream moods website to see if any of these pieces would have any significance. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find the distinct things like “lack of mouth” or “mental powers.” Here are the following definitions of what I was able to look at:

To see your own nose in your dream, signifies a conscious effort to achieve whatever endeavor you chose to undertake. The nose represents energy, intuition, and wisdom. Alternatively, the nose symbolizes curiosity. You dream may suggest your need to learn more about a situation at hand.

Seeing someone with the lack of a nose means?

To hear someone sing in your dream, signifies emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You are changing your mood and experiencing a more positive outlook in life.

Hearing someone (without a nose) sing shows that I am changing my ways and becoming more positive, but since there’s a lack of a nose, there is a lack of energy and wisdom. Will I be taking the lazy and ignorant route to become happier?

To see a mouth in your dream, signifies your need to express yourself or talk about an issue that's bothering you. On the other hand, perhaps you have said too much and you need to keep your mouth shut.

So, I should take the opposite of that since I saw somebody without a mouth. But even within this definition, it gives two contradicting answers. This also makes me think of my being self-conscious about my speech skills; I’ve received complaints on how I don’t talk enough, that I’m too quiet, but then I’ve received complaints that I talk too fast and that people can’t understand me (which makes me choose the path of silence to save any further embarrassment).

To see or ride a motorcycle in your dream, symbolizes your desire for freedom and need for adventure. You may be trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility in your waking life. A motorcycle is also symbolic of raw sexuality.

My thoughts are going in different directions based on this description; yes, I lead a boring life sometimes, work is going in different places right now and I am taking on some new and random responsibilities, and for raw sexuality, I will let my friends create a conclusion for that one.

To dream that you are chasing someone, signifies that you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others.

This may relate to the motorcycle definition that I am trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility; chasing someone could be me trying to tackle this opposition. Plus, having a coworker like Kathleen may mean something (especially, since she is the newest person added to the development team at work).

To dream that you are in the future, signifies your hopes or your fears of how things will turn out depending on the scenario.

Seeing 2086 could relate to many things: a pass-code, an address, or even the year, hence the future definition. I looked up 2086 on Wikipedia and it didn’t give me much besides that the year will be the 100th anniversary of the Chernobyl incident and the space shuttle Challenger explosion. In 2086, if I’m still alive, I will be 104. That number did not have too much significance: it’s the atomic number for Rutherfordium, a radioactive element that has a half-life span of 13 hours. In regular geometry, 104 is the smallest number of unit line segments that can exist in a plane with four of them touching at every vertex.

To my readers (the few that I have), if you have any insight please feel free to share your thoughts on what has been presented.

Who knows, maybe all of this is just plain silly. As my natural science friends would say, “Maybe a motorcycle in a dream just means you had a motorcycle in your dream.”


Anonymous said...

Dream analysis is where it's at!

Hearing someone (without a nose) sing shows that I am changing my ways and becoming more positive, but since there’s a lack of a nose, there is a lack of energy and wisdom. Will I be taking the lazy and ignorant route to become happier?

That is hilarious.

If you do take the lazy and ignorant route to becoming happier, I hope you'll share your methods with the rest of us.

Peter_S said...

The route: being unemployed and taking a lot of drugs. Pure bliss awaits me.