Friday, July 27, 2007

For Your Amusement

This is something I read a little earlier today.


David: Hey, Bart! Did you have a good weekend? Get a lot done, like you wanted to?

Bart: Yeah, it was great! You?

David: Well, let's see... I outlined my next couple projects, set up a filing system for my notes, and downloaded a productivity program... then I read an article about time management and filed it away in the new system. Then brainstormed over instant-messaging for a while, while watching Youtube clips for "inspiration." I spent so much time being creative, I forgot to be productive.

Bart: I took some meth and cleaned my kitchen for three days!


Rev. BS said...

Here's a comment for you: Post a new blog. Your's a far more entertaining than mine and I need to live through your words...that last statement was rather creepy but I won't retract it.

Anonymous said...

A big hello from Sacramento to both One Proud Gemini and You guys wouldn't be related or anything would you?

Gemini: nice blog. Rev: nice pic. Gemini - no pic?


Peter_S said...

Rev BS: patience comes to those who wait, and who also happen to have good things. Wait, I screwed that one up.

UB or Uncle Bob? How's it going?!
Right now, I lack a picture. Coworkers give me shit for having a blog and they say if I have a pic then that leads to termination because the superiors that scout for these kinds of things will have credible evidence that it is me that leads this blog (although I rarely talk about work).

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Yes, its UB, and I don't blame you for not having a pic, I probably should have left that one alone.

I've been reading your blogs, bit by bit. Very nice writing style - can tell there's an interesting - and interested - mind behind it.

I almost didn't write at all. Have you ever been with others when you get the feeling they know more about you than you know about them?

Although...things are not always what they seem are they?

In any case, good stuff here, and I've not really scratched the surface.

Take care for now... UB