Monday, July 23, 2007

The Days of DC - Part 3: Hate, Jerks, and Odd Noises

Many may remember that I was actually in this neck of the woods about three weeks ago. I was visiting my friends Steph and Vic who I had attended college with and worked with as well. I figured since I was in their neighborhood again, it wouldn’t hurt to visit them one more time.

We made contact last night and contemplation was made on where to go for dinner. When I was on the phone with Vic, he mentioned that their friends Alex and Liz were coming along too. I then asked, “Wait, Alex and Liz? But don’t they hate me?”

Now, the reason I asked this question was due to something stupid I did when I last visited them. The weekend of my visit, I met this couple that are friends with Steph and Vic named Alex and Liz. They came over to the apartment on Sunday evening (the night before we all took off). We were all enjoying each other’s company, playing some games and enjoying mixed beverages. This is the same night that Steph and Vic’s dog, Cokey, drank alcohol and soda, which led it to the veterinarian’s office the next morning. After some drinks, of course, I transitioned into a different state. At one point, Alex went outside to smoke a cigarette and Liz followed him. Once they left, I simply stated (some may say yelled), “She’s hot!” That’s all.

Well, once they came back from their cigarette excursion, Liz had a slightly snappy tone to her; she said, “We’re going to leave.” All of us were slightly shocked. It was sort of a 180 from what we were experiencing earlier. They grabbed their things and left a couple of minutes after that. Victor followed them out. Once he returned he said that they left due to what I said. We all gasped at this. I asked if he was kidding but he said no. I kept asking that over and over, I didn’t want to take Vic seriously, but he was remaining serious. My stupid comment on saying that Liz was hot made them leave? Boy, I am jerk, was all I could think. Right after all this settled in, I became immediately depressed and absolutely quiet. Everyone kept asking me what was wrong and all I could say was that I ruined their night by some ridiculous comment.

Going back to last night, Vic mentioned that Liz and Alex were coming to dinner as well. I asked if they knew I was coming and Vic said yes. When I asked Vic about them hating me, he said they didn’t. I guess it was all a joke from the last visit. I think there was something else going between the two and Vic used my comment as the excuse. I must say I felt better once I realized that I wasn’t the result of their end to that Sunday evening.

We met for dinner at a nearby Mexican/Peruvian/Guatemalan restaurant that was a few blocks from my hotel. It was fun but the night ended somewhat early since Vic was starting his new job tomorrow (my Vic is all grown up!).

I retired to my bedroom once everyone left. I was plowing through my book, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I had a mixed playlist on the computer going as background music. While I was reading, I heard some commotion from the hotel room next to mine (you know how every hotel room has a door connected to the next one, but they’re usually locked?). I got close to the door and all I could hear were the sounds of, well, sex (or working out, you never know). Once this all connected, I thought two things: either my neighbor is watching porn or two people are having some fun.

I turned my music up a little and then continued my reading. Maybe a half an hour later and forty pages plus, I received a knock on my door. It was a slightly older man. He asked me if I could turn my music down because he was trying to go to bed. I thought it was amusing that I needed to turn my music down when it wasn’t that loud (it was R.E.M.’s “Electrolyte” at that moment). The man then indicated that he was next door to me. I asked which side and he said the left one, which is the one I shared my door with. I then asked if he was by himself and he replied, “Yes.” Ha ha! I got my answer on what the noises were. He walked away and I bit my lip from asking him to turn his porn down but I didn’t because that’s not me.

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