Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Cruelest Joke in the World

Quentin Tarantino has released a new movie. Well, it’s not just a Tarantino project; it’s a double-feature film, one by Tarantino and the other by Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Desperado). The overall piece is called Grindhouse, which is composed of a zombie film by Rodriguez called Planet Terror and a slasher/road movie by Tarantino called Death Proof. Both movies are roughly ninety minutes long and are a complete homage to 70s and 80s B-horror movies. The even more amusing part was the fake trailers placed in between the two pieces, which were directed by contemporary film makers (Eli Roth Hostel, Edgar Wright Shaun of the Dead, and Rob Zombie Devil’s Rejects).

Knowing that Grindhouse premiered on Friday, Eric and I discussed the idea of viewing it sometime this weekend. A matinee screening became the designated time, and Saturday would make that happen. In order for us to see Grindhouse, we decided that we should be productive beforehand. In result, we made an afternoon of cleaning house.

While the cleaning began, I chose to work the kitchen and Eric was to work with the living room. On our kitchen table was a jigsaw puzzle that Eric started back around Christmas time. The puzzle was 500 pieces and was based on a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat. For those who have seen Basquiat paintings know that they are bit complex; there are usually a lot of random doodles, words, and many little obscure drawings found within the overall medium. Eric appreciated his art and went with the challenge of doing a puzzle based on his artwork.

As mentioned, the puzzle started development during the week of Christmas since Eric had many weeks off from his job (he’s a teacher). It was a “slowly but surely” process, but many dents were made. The puzzle occupied our kitchen table since then. Recently, Eric had approached near-completion. There was one problem though: one single piece went missing.

One may ask how this would happen. Many scenarios could have risen: the puzzle was on our table for a couple of months, so pieces had been shuffled around; and we do live with a cat who finds himself bored a lot. Much aggravation arose out of Eric when he discovered a piece was missing. There on the table, an almost complete puzzle, all there except one little piece. Internal debates took place within Eric’s head. He originally wanted to finish the puzzle and then mount it onto some kind of board and hang it on his wall. With this vacancy, he steered away from that idea. He just couldn’t have that on his wall knowing there was a small gap in the work. I thought it would be amusing, many stories could be derived out of this. Why is there a missing piece? one would ask when they saw this hanging on his wall. I even suggested making a little comic speech bubble that would have words commenting on the situation.

Once the cleaning began, Eric was placed into a temporary judgment day. “Do I or do I not put this puzzle away?” he contemplated. I said keep it due to the amount of work involved and the length of time the puzzle was on our table. He went against that thought and grabbed the box and shoved all the pieces in there. History was gone. Eric walked the box back to his bedroom and it went into hiding.

Our table was completely clear now. Eric went back to the kitchen to retrieve some other items and glanced at the corner of the kitchen floor and noticed something obscure. There it was: the missing piece! I had never seen Eric turn to such a distinct color of red before. “No fucking way!” were the first words I heard, and then “how did I not see this?!” Eric was holding the prized item. “I just put that puzzle away two minutes ago! Fuck!”

I couldn’t help myself, I just laughed. That was absolutely cruel, which ever unknown force that was behind this had a mean sense of humor. More cursing took place in Eric’s position. And more laughing took place in my corner. He left the kitchen and went downstairs and all I heard was “Ahhhhhh!!! Fuck! That’s it, I’m doing the puzzle again! Fuck!”

It’s funny how life works out.

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