Friday, May 25, 2007

We're on the Road to Nowhere

And when I say “nowhere” I mean oblivion.

It is a common thing for us humans to contemplate what the future has in store for us. Due to the advancement of technology and prediction modeling, many scientists can make an educational attempt at guessing what the future looks like for all of us.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as hip and cool as people in the mid 20th century had imagined; the Jetsons’ world is not looking too plausible right now. Everything from flying jetpacks to buying real estate on the moon are not in any set horizon right now (well, the flying jetpacks are probably something Lockheed-Martin is creating for the military as we speak).

Many scholars, futurists, writers, historians, and other well-educated people have studied the pre-Columbian Maya calendar and after much interpretation, it was revealed that 2012 was the date of the calendar ending its cycle. With the cycle ending, Maya mythology examines this as a transition from the current Creation world into the next. However, some religious scholars see this as a “global shift of consciousness,” which can be used as a fancy title for the end of time.

Why are we so hung up on this Maya calendar? Well, 2012 is not too far away and there are many things being presented to us. NASA has been studying sunspot cycles of the Sun and has come to a conclusion that by 2012 that the Sun will reverse its own magnetic poles. Various scientists believe this will amplify the effects of throwing off the magnetic fields on earth due to harmful charged particles blasting away from the Sun and penetrating the earth’s atmosphere.

Global Warming, or climate change, or liberal conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo, will be riding its effects into full throttle. The polar bear may be extinct by this point, and that means we won’t get those cute Coca-Cola commercials with the bears sliding around in the snow and then cracking open a bottle. I know this isn’t catastrophic but it will break many hearts.

There was a Nostradamus translation that mentioned about a natural disaster like a comet hitting the world in 2012. NASA reports that the asteroid 2004MN4 will come back into telescopic view again, in which scientists can calculate the odds of possible impact.

The silent one is the decline of the bee population we are currently experiencing. Germany’s national association of beekeepers was the first to make it aware to the public that there was a major decrease in bee colonies. After further investigation, the US equivalents did some studies, and found out that the east coast has lost 70% of its bee population and that the west coast is at a 60% loss. Furthermore, scientists put together a grid that explained that if bees become extinct, then the human population has approximately five years left of living. Why? Bees are responsible for pollination and if they go, then goes the plants, then the animals, then humans. It sounds too simple, but think about it. Why are bees going extinct? Look into GM’s direction; they like their products clean and genetically modified, and having bees on them with their residue from other plants causes some sloppy sex with the given plants and the desired products do not come out as wished, so GM spends time annihilating those little yellow striped creatures. There are other factors that involve genetic engineering conducted on bees that caused some unintentional deaths. So, seeing the five year window given to us and having bees over 50% gone, that leaves 2012 as the time when this possible conclusion can come about.

A few other things to realize…

In The X-Files, it was indicated that 2012 is when aliens will come and colonize the world. 24 currently takes place in 2012, and we all know how catastrophic the world is in that show. Plus, the Freedom Tower, which is what will replace the Twin Towers, will be finished in 2012, and we all know how 9/11 was a marker of the dark road our current society went into.

David Bowie’s song “Five Years” is somehow making a lot more sense…
“News had just come over, we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us, earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lying…
…We’ve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got”

However, I am still optimistic. I mean, according to Back to the Future Part II, we are supposed to be riding around on hover boards by 2015 and have floating cars that feed off of domestic waste products. That’s only three years later, we must have done something right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were discussing this over a hookah the other night...

Also consider that progress is increasing at an exponential and quantifiable rate. Take computer speed for example... First, in order to make computers twice as fast, it would take ten years, then five, then two-and-a-half, etc. Some people think that this rate reaches a zero point, when progress is essentially instantaneous...and that point is in 2012.

We were talking about this in conjunction with morphic resonance...maybe 2012 is the year a hundred people finally figure something out, and we all make some sort of mental/spiritual jump in evolution?